
Mymoena Name: Wafeeqah
Surname: Booranoodien
Location: Cape Town
Status: Recruited
Date started: 18 June 2012
End date: 18 December 2012


My experience thus far on the Developer Factory program:
What Everybody Ought to Know About Java...

The most well-known programming language that’s used by more than eight million software developers is none other than Java. But did you ever think why such a language is so popular?

Well I can answer that by providing you with the following. Java is used by every major industry segment with a wide range of devices, computers and networks. Due to its versatility, efficiency, platform portability, and security, network computing is ideal for Java. What I like about Java is the fact that you can write software on one platform and run it on virtually any other platform; it creates programs that can run within a web browser and access available web services.

Some more interesting facts on java is that 1.1 Billion desktops run Java ,three billion mobile phones run Java,100 % of all Blu-ray players run Java. Devices used by Java, range from Laptops, datacentres, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones, to the internet. Java is everywhere!

It’s been a little over three months since I’ve joined the Developer Factory family. I instantly got a warm feeling from every member as I walked into the office.

My days started off with daily morning meetings where we would discuss projects with JHB(Apprentices). Together we would work on documentations, scripting, coding ,and discussions.

I was really excited to be introduced to Magic XPA, seeing that it was something new and I’d get the opportunity to broaden my knowledge.

During my work experience I have managed to acknowledge the difference between school and college and how the real world feels like. I have even been fortunate enough to partake in working with Magic XPA, where we are currently working on Notification Engine Development.

Been here has made a huge difference in my life, I’ll always be grateful for this opportunity.


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